Staff Appreciation

May 10th, 2024

Taco Bar

Help us celebrate Staff Appreciation Week by capping it off with our ever popular Tacos Bar! 

If you would like to help decorate, organize, or have ideas, please email  All are welcome.

Fuel the Teacher's Break Room

Our Amazon Wish List is a perfect way to donate and make it possible for our staff to have a savory snack, a cup of coffee, or a healthier snack option throughout the school day and school year.  Use the Amazon Wish List link below to donate.

Coming Soon!

Upcoming Staff Appreciation Days at Kenmore Middle School 

Staff Appreciation Days are provided each month (with a few expectations.) See our calendar for the upcoming dates and mark your calendars to help with your time or items. Look for Sign Up Genius links on our website, in our monthly e-newsletter, and Facebook as  we get closer to each date.  Thank you. We couldn't do this without you.

Together we are stronger!

Would you like to be a part of the Staff Appreciation Committee? 

The staff at KMS work so hard for our students and we want to show them the love! We are in need of a few people that are interested in helping with Staff Appreciation throughout the year.  Many parents donate items however, it can be challenging to find consistent help with set up and clean up or refreshes of food in between first and second lunches for the staff.  Also there will be more needs during Staff Appreciation Week.  If you can help either regularly or periodically, please reach out to  Its greatly appreciated!